Monday, October 1, 2007

Reading only part of a senten

Have you noticed that when a person is truly desperate to prove something, their reading ability seems to decay?

Tippy gives a great example here, when trying to define "terrorism". Her paraphrased version goes like this:-

"So for them here it is, straight from Webster’s dictonary(sic): “Terrorism. the use of force or threats to intimidate”."

Nope, wrong. The actual definition at Webster's goes like this:-

The systematic use of violence as a means to intimidate or coerce societies or governments."

It continues:-

"The unlawful use or threatened use of force or violence against individuals or property in an attempt to coerce or intimidate governments or societies to achieve political, religious or ideological objectives."

.. and:-

"The organized recourse to violent and illegal acts with the view to creating extreme fear, social dislocation, intimidation, heavy destruction or governmental disorganization, for political, extremist or personal gain."

Nothing being done against the Kimpire is even remotely violent or illegal. Nothing.

Just for fun, I can't help comparing the happenings at with how, for instance, Atkins might react in similar circumstances. If serious flaws were suggested in the Atkins diet plan, how would they react? Would they gloss over it, sweep naysayers under the carpet and pretend all was rosy? Would they allow personal messages between board members to be placed on an insecure messaging system? Would any board member take it unto themselves to send off threatening little emails to those who stood against them?

Nope. In fact, many years ago, when Dr Atkins' diet first came out, and was generally disbelieved, he took the case for his diet to Congress, along with reams of medical evidence, peer reviews, and more. In short, he provided a scientific proof that his diet worked and was safe.

We have to ponder why this has not been the case with Kimkins. A properly researched diet would have facts and figures to support it: there would be medical proof, not hearsay, that it worked and didn't harm anyone. All we have are "success stories" and testimonies** that could have been written by anyone, dead or alive. Which brings me to another point - the infamous "before and after" pictures. These were obvious fakes which disappeared from the Kimkins site soon after they were found out.

In short - does any reader know of a reputable company that would operate in this fashion?


** Yes, there have been some success stories - but at what cost to future health? See Christin's video here. And she is not the only one seemingly with health problems from following Kimkins. The only genuine long term success stories come from those who did Kimkins short term. Something else to ponder.

1 comment:

Princess Dieter aka Mir said...

Great point about the REPUTABLE diet leader seeking to open discussion, provide evidence, open mind--not close them.

At Kimkins, Kimmer is doing NOTHING that a rational, forthright, got-nothing-to-hide person would do NOTHING.

She is doing everything a person with lots to hide does.

This all could have been cleared up with a simple face-to-face meeting of Kimmer with, say, a delegation of Jimmy Moore (who before had been willing to travel to meet her) and Christian. Even if Kimmer wanted a Pro-Kimmer paty there, say Tippy and SL, fine. But have photogs and people who KNEW KIMMER'S VOICE and could verify Kimmer's voice/id/meet at Kimmer's actual address. And since Kimmer keeps going back and forth (she's Heidi, she's not Heidi, she's Heidi, she's not Heidi), then have Heidi there.

She could wear the red dress. She could say, "Fine. Audit me. I got nothing to hide. I pay taxes on everythign that comes in, and I'm not using nor ever have used ummy afilliates."

And supply the medical proof that her diet is safe (as often claimed by her) and that there is no starvation mode that can resulf from very low fat, very low calorie diets.

The simple things that occur to legitimate people--a webcast wearing the red dress with the SAME voice as on Jimmy Moore's interview coming out of the "after photo" woman. That would have gone a long way to shutting up the dissent and revolt.

But no. The tactic is pure "Oh, shit. I've been caught. Let's backpedal, scrub, erase, repress, ban, etc."

Yeah, Kimmer acts like a very, very guilty person. Even OJ acts innocent better than Kimmer/Heidi.

The Princess