Sunday, September 30, 2007
Saturday, September 29, 2007
I can't post what has been found on this blog, but you can click here to get a very good insight into those areas of the Kimkins site.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Ladies and Gentleman, place your prophecy now!
Click here to enter!
No prizes guaranteed, except the big one which we are all eagerly waiting for!
Thursday, September 27, 2007

Fraud Report Site
It has a fraud report page here.
Information needed is:-
To Report an Online Fraud or Suspected Fraud
Send us the URL- Add any additional information you have about the company.
- If you have special knowledge to share with a reporter or regulatory official, please indicate that and include complete contact information.
To Report a Personal Experience
- Include your name, age, address, work and home telephone numbers.
- Provide a detailed account of what happened to you that includes:
- Dates or approximate dates that the events occurred
- Name and location of perpetrator
- Pertinent health history, including problem for which you sought help
- What would you like us to do with the information?
- Post your story to one of our sites. That usually requires inclusion of your name.
- Forward your story to a regulatory agency
- Try to help you recover money
- Help you file a lawsuit
- Give your name to a reporter who might want to interview you
There is a link at the bottom of that page - Fighting Quackery: Tips for Activists which also looks useful.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Christin's podcast.
It is a very moving and thought-provoking video - Christin, my heart goes out to you, I'm sure it will all end well, and kudos to you for having the courage to post it. I eagerly await Kimmer's video reply.
Amazing revelation!
In headline form, this is - "Kimmer IS Ducky!".
The professor's reasoning and logic is flawless. It is well known that Kimmer has a tendency to sign up under false names in order to either listen in to what others are saying, or to spout out about how good the Kimkins diet is. She is also known to lack imagination, as her aliases prove. She also appears to be able to switch her personality depending on what point she is trying to prove.
Now, imagine that she wanted to make her own blog, under the pretense of being anti-Kimkins - what would she do? Simple - she'd choose a user name from her past, and maybe tweak it a bit.
Thus, from her mother's name, Kim Drake, comes ... DUCKY! The connection is obvious! It is inescapable! But it gets worse - we have all missed so many duck oriented clues -
"Peeking Duck" because she trawls the forums checking what we have written,
"Duck the issue" .. no comment,
"Completely quackers" - self explanatory.
Some things seem to go completely over her head. Is this because she ducked?
Finally, a duck's feet are webbed, and Kimmer used the world wide web to start her business.
I was assured that there were more instances, but the professor had finished off the bottle of whisky by this time, and fallen into a deep slumber.
(Disclaimer for any Kimkins members coming across this blog:- this piece is intended as gentle satire, and does not mean that anyone on the planet really thinks that Kimmer and Ducky from Kimkins Exposed are one and the same. So please don't waste valuable space on the serious blogs / forums trying to discuss this article. )
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Sunday, September 23, 2007
Psychic Rations viewpoint.
As the lady in question (I couldn't find her name) isn't a full time Kimkins blogger, her blog contains a load of other stuff - yes, there IS life outside of Kimkins! lol. I found this wonderfully uplifting entry as well : The Paper Planes Of Spring.
Good on ya, cobber!
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Not an ad hominem attack.
When two people are arguing over a heated subject, who loses their temper first? Who is the first to start personal attacks rather than attack the argument? Who metaphorically sticks their fingers in their ears and says "La la la, I can't hear you"?
The loser.
You are hungry for a few days, but that goes away. Now you feel high. Happy. Light. You are eating 1200 calories a day and you don’t feel a thing.
The loss slows. You know you could probably do with a little less. You could cut a little here, shear a little there. You feel a little bit of hunger, but this time, it is only for a day. That leaves you quickly. You are eating 900 calories a day and you don’t feel a thing.
Your loss slows. You feel perhaps that you have cut back on your fiber too much, and read that others are using laxatives in different forms to keep things moving. You use this. It works. You decide that you will use this method every time you feel uncomfortable. Now you can cut back your caloric intake further. Those in the boot camp program are allowed up to 500 calories a day. You change. You conform. You are now eating 500 calories a day and you don’t feel a thing.
Your loss slows. It is said that you are eating too much because you are not exercising like the people in boot camp. You know you must be weak to not try harder. You must not want this bad enough. So you shift. You change things. Just a little. Just a smidge. Light as a feather, feeling high in your mind. No one notices your hair is brittle. It wouldn’t matter. You are now eating 300 calories a day and you don’t feel a thing.
Your loss slows. You feel palpitations occasionally as though your heart is fluttering. Your family has noticed. Your friends worry. You have made changes. You are strong in your mind, and others wouldn’t understand. They are not strong like you are. You will show them. You are now eating 200 calories a day and you are exercising. And you don’t feel a thing.
You don’t feel a thing.
The coroner pronounced you dead at 2:34 am this morning. You suffered a heart attack because your body consumed the muscles of your heart for energy, and your body could no longer sustain itself. Your mother sobs in the corner. Your daughter stands, glassy-eyed, holding your cold hand. She is four, and she doesn’t understand.
And you don’t feel a thing.
Friday, September 21, 2007
An Essay on Ducks.
Thanks also for the inspirational cartoon!
Why the Ducks?
Friday, September 21st in Heidi Diaz, Kimkins, Kimkins Diet, Kimkins.com, Kimmer, kimkins controversy, kimkins dieting, kimkins fraud, kimkins members | 6 comments
We found it rather odd and amusing that a member of Kimkins had this to say about the recent spate of duck avatars popping up across online forums,
I have to agree with you NAME REMOVED about the HATE swallowing them up…It is like what they live for… To watch this witch hunt evolve, is truly disheartning..
What is crazy to me is the fact that I have read over there many times of them accusing the people here of being Cultists…
I am telling you all, they need to step back and examine their own heads,… Just about EVERYONE there on tha particular thread, has a DUCK for an avatar….
They are all Duckies followers! It’s right there in Duckdome. YOWSER! What is wrong with that picture??”
We’d like to weigh in here and state for the record we are under no grand illusion that the hundreds of duck avatars are for us.
No, in fact, we’re sure it’s due to Kimmer’s own words, “I’m naturally suspicious of anyone with a “duck” avatar.”


"What is this blog about?", you may ask. "What is with the deformed mole?" Well, there is a tale behind it, pun intended...
This is my small contribution to the increasingly surreal soap-opera that is Kimkins. Haven't heard of it? May I suggest you grab a can of (diet) soda, a large plate of snackage type food, and settle in for the tale.
In the beginning there was a lady who contributed to the lowcarbfriends message boards under the name of Kimmer. She built up a large following with her ideas about dieting the low carb way (Dr Atkins style) and eventually began her own site at kimkins.com with a couple of friends from LCF. I believe she charged about $15 for people to join this site, which was where she posted all manner of info about her own version of Dr Atkins, provided a messageboard for members, and promised support from herself, as she said that she had lost 180 pounds doing the diet.
Her big break came when she managed to get her diet on the front page of Women's World magazine, with a double page spread inside, extolling the virtues of her diet.
At about the same time, she increased the membership fee to $60 (for lifetime membership - remember this, it gets mentioned later). By her own admission, membership shot up to around 40,000. Do the mathematic$.
Lets shift focus back to the magazine article. In that article she referred to herself as Kim Drake. Various before and after pictures were touted round in the magazine and on the Kimkins site. However, none of Kim Drake's photographs were used. Quite strange considering that she had lost a lot of weight - surely she would want to show off her new figure!
Over the next few weeks, "Kimmer" refused to meet any Kimkins members, or even meet for interviews, claiming that she had what sounded like a form of agoraphobia, and didnt like being outside or near crowds. The low carb forums buzzed with speculation. Slowly, small snippets of information were discovered - that Kim Drake's real name was Heidi Kimberley Diaz: that many of the before and after photos on her website and elsewhere were faked, that she herself had not lost any weight at all, and looked, if anything, more obese than her "before" photo.
Running parallel to these discoveries were questions about the safety of Kimkin's VLCD diets, the suggestions that Kimkins members use laxatives as an aid to slimming, and more. Several Kimkins members and admins asked Kimmer about the safety of the diet plan:- the result was that anyone who queried the plan was banned from site (despite "life long" membership) and three admins resigned.
Further information was now coming in thick and fast - that Heidi and her husband had divorced, that Heidi had been taken to court over an unpaid student loan, that she was on disability, that her claim to be fostering children was false, two family members stated that she had scammed them, that she had been in jail (currently we don't know for what offense) and more.
Everything that was now coming out was digging a deeper and deeper hole for Heidi. At the time of writing, several government agencies are investigating her affairs, a class action suit is being organized, and other avenues are being looked into.
All because she didn't want us to know her real name, and didn't want anyone to see how she had failed at her own attempts to lose weight.
A mystery will ALWAYS attract attention, Heidi. Your diet, VLCD etc apart, actually worked. People did lose weight following your plan. So why, oh why, weren't you upfront about yourself? Yes, there may have been some cruel remarks, but I think that most people who are wanting to lose weight have often put it back on, and they would have understood your dilemma.
Nobody would have dug into your past. Nobody would have contacted your ex, or your son, or other family members. And if anyone had heard a light tapping from your closet, they'd have ignored it. Instead, the skeleton in your cupboard is now well and truly in the public domain.
Oh, about the mole with a beak - a couple of days ago, Heidi commented about not trusting anyone with a duck avatar. Within an hour, almost every poster on the Kimkins related forums had a duck avatar.
The reason for her mistrust is simple - she feels that the duck is a mole....